Connecticut Public
Community Representation Statement
Connecticut Public is committed to fostering meaningful engagement with underrepresented and underrecognized communities throughout Connecticut, in alignment with the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967. Utilizing data insights and a Results Based Accountability (RBA) framework, we will evaluate our impact across content creation, community outreach, audience engagement and member growth.
Goal #1
Connecticut Public will strengthen its Community Advisory Board (CAB) to ensure members mirror the racial/ethnic, gender, and generational composition of Connecticut's published census data.
Goal #2
Connecticut Public will strive to represent, reflect, and engage all populations in Connecticut, with a special focus on underrepresented and underrecognized groups. We will deliver high-quality content--like Somos CT and Black Voices--that features and engages individuals who reflect Connecticut’s diverse demographic. This will be accomplished through a variety of methods, including community outreach and engagement, facilitated by a highly qualified and diverse staff, Advisory Committees, and the Board of Directors. The timeline for achieving these goals is June 30, 2025.
Our future as public media depends on elevating diversity of all kinds. Connecticut Public is committed to informing, educating, and inspiring our communities by reflecting the diverse perspectives and identities of our region in our journalism, programming, and people.
As a public service, it is our civic duty to foster constructive discourse and encourage our audiences to actively participate in our democracy. We will show our commitment to the truth by uplifting voices and stories that represent a wide spectrum of Connecticut, while engaging people in the stories that matter to them.
Accuracy and fairness are the foundation of Connecticut Public’s news and authentic storytelling. To earn our communities’ trust, we will have the courage and journalistic integrity to stand by our principles and not magnify disinformation or misinformation.
Connecticut Public aims to strengthen cultural awareness, empathy, and mutual respect in all facets of our organization. We recognize that a fair and equitable workplace is essential to uphold this mission.
Currently, on February 1, 2023, Connecticut Public’s staff, executive leadership, and Board of Trustees reflect diversity in these categories as follows:

Connecticut Public has made substantial progress toward its diversity objectives and goals in the last three years. From July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2022, our staff and executive leadership identifying as racially or ethnically diverse increased from 14% in 2019 to 23% in 2022.
Statement from the Board of Trustees
Connecticut Public’s Board of Trustees commends and supports the recognition of our civic duty, the commitment, and the efforts made by the organization to value and instill meaningful diversity, equity and inclusion strategies, practices, and goals.
The Board of Trustees has made progress in improving the diversity of its board and it remains a key priority as we consider new board members. The Board aspires to increase diversity to approximate Connecticut’s published census data and is committed to continuing its diversity training.
Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. will continue to explore new opportunities for achieving and promoting this diversity and to monitor and evaluate our success. That means that Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. commits that it will always meet the standards of federal and state law, its Equal Employment Opportunity Policy, and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting’s Diversity Eligibility Criteria.
Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer and recruits a diverse work force and explicitly forbids discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability and marital status.
Approved by the Governance Committee of the Board of Trustees on May 10, 2023.