Connecticut has lost more of our 25-34-year-old population since 1990 than any state but Michigan. I’m no demographer - but that’s not good. Of course, big population shifts are happening around the country as baby-boomers retire – but Connecticut is poised for the most hardship, unless we turn this around quickly.
Today we revisit the on-going conversation about how to keep young people in the state...and how to get more to come here. This means jobs, entertainment, affordable housing…what else?
We check in with the Partnership for Strong Communities who have been running focus groups and held a recent forum on the topic. We also check in with one of those cool young people who left for Seattle - what do they have that we dont?
We want to hear from you. Are you between the ages of 25 and 34? Do you like living in Connecticut? What are you looking for in a place to live?