Chet Baker was a troubled soul, who had one of the most unique and haunting voices in jazz. Joni Mitchell is a complex artist who has stayed away from the spotlight, letting her music tell her story. We explore these two iconic artists on Where We Live.
First, we consider Chet Baker through the lens of June Bisantz. She's a Connecticut-based vocalist and visual artist who's tackling his songbook as part of the Litchfield Jazz Festival. Then we dig into a beautiful new book that celebrates the poetry of Joni Mitchell's songs. Lisa and John Sornberger brought together a big group of creative people to write about their favorite lyrics.
We're also joined by folk singer Kate Callahan who's had her music and world shaped by Joni Mitchell. There will be a celebration of Joni Mitchell and this new book at the UConn Co-op next month.
June Bisantz - Visual artist and vocalist with The Chet Baker Project
Lisa and John Sornberger - Editors of "Gathered Light: The Poetry of Joni Mitchell's Songs"
Felicity Harley - Contributor to "Gathered Light"
Kate Callahan - Folk singer/songwriter