As traditional college graduates shoulder large student loan debt and companies hunt for skilled labor, technical and vocational high schools are garnering more attention. Do skills like 3D printing and precision machining really help students get jobs and higher wages?
This hour, we explore the value of career and technical education in Connecticut and nationwide.
We talk with an education policy researcher and with technical school administrators in the state. We’ll also hear from a student about why she chose a technical high school. Later we’ll get perspective from California where a unique partnership exists between a high school and a technology company. It’s the first ever public high school to set up shop on a corporate campus.
Did you graduate from a technical high school? How has it helped launch your career?
- Shaun M. Dougherty - Assistant Professor of Education Policy at the University of Connecticut
- Nivea L. Torres - Superintendent of Connecticut Technical High School System
- David Telesca - Principal of W.F. Kaynor Technical High School in Waterbury, Connecticut
- Marangelis Lopez - Junior at H.C. Wilcox Technical High School in Meriden, Connecticut
- Ken Montgomery - Co-founder and Executive Director of Design Tech High School in Burlingame, California
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Lydia Brown and Chion Wolf contributed to this show.