Navigating pregnancy should be an exciting time, but new parents don’t have the same support system right now. This hour, we talk about pregnancy and birth during a pandemic.
New parents need a lot of support leading up to and after the birth of a new baby. The zoom bridal shower is not the same as being in person to celebrate new mom and baby. Expecting mothers have a lot more decisions to make - including whether or not to get the vaccine.
A new mother joins us today to talk about her pregnancy, and an OB GYN talks about delivering babies during a pandemic - what expecting mother’s need to know.
If you’re a new or expecting mom, what has it like to go through pregnancy during this pandemic?
We want to hear from you.
- Alexis Aronne - a mother from Cromwell, Connecticut
- Dr. Audrey Merriam, MD - physician with Yale Maternal Fetal Medicine
- Dr. Heather Lipkind - Associate Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences at Yale Maternal Medicine
- Jessica Bennett - Editor at Large at the New York Times