Two Connecticut-based agencies are responding to Cyclone Pam. The monster storm is believed to have left widespread destruction and killed an unknown…
Refugee resettlement is arguably one of our country’s noblest examples of foreign policy. It gives forcibly displaced people from around the world a…
An investigation by NPR and ProPublica reveals how the Red Cross increased its focus on public relations while it struggled to meet basic needs of storm victims.
State legislators are raising concerns about what the closure of an organization called Ocean Classroom Foundation may mean for the Amistad, the state’s…
The Hartford Symphony Orchestra has appointed a Director of Artistic Operations and Administration.Stephen Collins is an orchestra management professional…
As New London gathers for its annual Sailfest, the operators of The Amistad say the famed schooner will no longer take part in the annual event.The ship…
If you are a lover of the surprise and spontaneity in creativity, I hope you will join me on June 7 for a charm-filled “pop-up” on the river.The pop-up…
Giving to good causes is something many of us think about at the end of the year, as we send off a donation to a non-profit that we support. But what if…
Some municipal and state leaders would like to see non-profit colleges and hospitals pay taxes to the towns where they reside. One higher education…
A Connecticut-based non-profit has received a major grant to start construction on a village for orphaned children in Tanzania. The Small Things, based in…