Aaron Schrank
Phone: 307-766-5064
Email: aschran1@uwyo.edu
Before joining WPR, Aaron worked as a freelance reporter in Los Angeles, where he earned a master’s degree in audio journalism from the University of Southern California. His radio work has aired on programs including NPR’s Morning Edition and All Things Considered, American Public Media’s Marketplace and Public Radio International’s The World. Aaron has roots in Phoenix, Arizona, Southern Illinois and New Jersey. When not reporting, he spends time hiking, camping, traveling and exploring film, music and food.
Homeless-services providers in Los Angeles County are gathering data on the homeless population and ranking people by vulnerability. The goal is to get the most in need into permanent housing quickly. The "housing first" approach has been used in cities nationwide, but it has its critics, even among other advocates.
A sculpture memorializing the East Asian women forced to provide sex to Japanese soldiers during World War II is causing a stir in Glendale, Calif. An identical statue in Seoul has become a focal point of tension among former "comfort women" and some Japanese who say the women's stories are untrue.