Adria Watson / CT Mirror
Connecticut State Colleges and Universities President Terrence Cheng announced on Thursday that mask-wearing at the CSCU campuses will no longer be required, beginning next month.
Citing consistently low COVID-19 case rates across all campuses and throughout the state, the University of Connecticut announced that it will be changing its mask policy from “required” to “recommended” in most campus settings beginning Friday.
The Connecticut State Colleges and Universities system governing board voted to increase tuition at the state’s 12 community colleges for the upcoming academic year.
During the upcoming 2022 legislative session, Connecticut lawmakers intend to tackle two of the biggest pandemic-related issues impacting schools and children: a mental health crisis and remote learning standards.
Community college faculty from around the state called for the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities governing board to implement stricter COVID safety standards as they return to campuses in person.
Covid surge will not impact start of spring semester for Connecticut State Colleges and University system.
The state reported Thursday that 2,483 K-12 students tested positive for COVID over the last seven days — a 408% increase over the number of positive cases on Nov. 3. Of those students, 1,951 were not fully vaccinated, 294 were fully vaccinated and 238 were unknown.
As the pandemic has progressed, more school-age children sought out mental health support when they returned to in-person learning this school year, officials believe.
CT educators talk about what they really teach in school. It's not Critical Race Theory.
A new state report says students across Connecticut lost ground academically during the pandemic, but those who learned fully or mostly in person during the 2020-21 school year fared better than those who learned in hybrid or remote settings.