Alden Bourne
Before joining New England Public Radio, Alden was a producer for the CBS NEWS program 60 Minutes. In that role, he covered topics ranging from art, music and medicine to business, education, and politics. Working with correspondent Morley Safer, he reported from locations across the United States as well as from India, Costa Rica, Italy, and Iraq.
Alden attended Boston College and received a B.S. in Economics. He later took a year away from CBS to participate in the Knight-Wallace Journalism Fellowship at the University of Michigan.
Alden was part of the 60 Minutes team that won a duPont-Columbia University Award for “60 Minutes: Punishing Saddam,” a report on the impact of U.N. sanctions on the children of Iraq. He was also honored for excellence in coverage of race and ethnicity by the Columbia University School of Journalism for “Vice Versa,” a story on a white-only scholarship program at an historically black college in Alabama. Alden has been on staff at NEPR since May 2016.
The award from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will fund the New England Center of Excellence in Vector-Borne Diseases.
The court decided that the federal Environmental Protection Agency lacks the authority to strictly regulate carbon emissions from power plants.
The VA says services provided in Northapton would be shifted to Springfield and Newington, Connecticut — and to outside providers.
Miguel Cardona made the remarks after a visit to the Emily Dickinson Museum in Amherst, Massachusetts.
One pastor said the biggest needs right now are food and medical supplies.
The state mandate will expire, but Springfield has decided to keep the requirement in place at least through March 28.
In a six-month pilot is scheduled to start in March, HCC will offer free child care to its students while they attend classes.
Springfield City Councilor Justin Hurst said an audit he requested into how the city chose its recreational marijuana stores proves the process was flawed.
Officials in West Springfield, Massachusetts, will explore whether cryptocurrencies like bitcoin should become part of how the municipality conducts business.
Beacon Hill lawmakers heard testimony today on a pair of bills that would streamline the chain of command at the Soldiers' Home in Holyoke,...