Daniela Doncel
Latino Communities ReporterDaniela Doncel is a Colombian American journalist who joined Connecticut Public in November 2024. Through her reporting, Daniela strives to showcase the diversity of the Hispanic/Latino communities in Connecticut. Her interests range from covering complex topics such as immigration to highlighting the beauty of Hispanic/Latino arts and culture.
At the core of her reporting is one question: ¿quiénes somos? Who are we? Connecticut is home to Hispanics/Latinos from all over the world, representing various countries. Daniela aims to get a full picture of that diversity and demonstrate the impact the communities have on the state.
Daniela has a Bachelor of Arts in journalism from the University of Connecticut and a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing from Arcadia University in Pennsylvania. She worked as the news director at UConn’s WHUS Radio and as a general assignment field reporter and anchor at WTIC NewsTalk 1080.
When she’s not out reporting, Daniela enjoys writing fictional stories, hiking Connecticut’s scenic trails and reading while snuggled up with her Yorkshire Terrier, Meela.
Have a story to share? She can be reached at ddoncel@ctpublic.org.
Más de un centenar de personas abarrotaron el martes los pasillos del capitolio estatal en apoyo de dos proyectos de ley que extenderían la edad de elegibilidad para Salud HUSKY, el programa de salud Medicaid financiado por el estado de Connecticut.
The Tortilleria Semilla Co-op models respect for working environments and ancestral cooking methods as they aim to grow and inspire others.
A legislative push to raise HUSKY age eligibility, regardless of immigration status, comes as the Trump administration moves to pause federal funding and grants, while it conducts an across-the-board ideological review to uproot progressive initiatives.
La producción de la Escuela de Drama David Geffen en Yale está basada en la masacre de Bojayá en 2002, en Colombia, y se narra a través de un enfoque de realismo mágico.
Los republicanos de la Cámara están proponiendo una reforma a la Ley Trust de Connecticut para facilitar que las fuerzas del orden estatales y locales informen a los oficiales de inmigración federales cuando una persona indocumentada sea arrestada.
El estado de Connecticut presentó una demanda junto a una coalición de 18 estados para desafiar la orden ejecutiva del presidente Donald Trump que anula la ciudadanía automática para niños nacidos de padres indocumentados en los EE. UU.
The David Geffen School of Drama at Yale University presents a play based on the true story of a massacre on the Bojayá community in Colombia.
Republican lawmakers aim to reform the state’s Trust Act, to broaden the ability of police in Connecticut to communicate with federal immigration officers.
Poco después de que el presidente Donald Trump firmara una orden ejecutiva que pretende eliminar el derecho a la ciudadanía por nacimiento, el fiscal general de Connecticut, William Tong, anunció que se propone impugnar la medida por ser inconstitucional.
A coalition of 18 states filed suit seeking an injunction before the executive order takes effect in February.