Deidre Montague
InternDeidre Montague is the Fall 2021 Gwen Ifill Integrity in News Intern at CT Public. In this role, she assists The Accountability Project investigative news team.
Deidre is a student at Manchester Community College in Manchester, Connecticut where she is majoring in communications with a concentration in Journalism. After working in the social work field for a couple years, her interest transitioned into community storytelling through her writing, with empathy and compassion.
On Tuesday, Dec. 14, the Connecticut State Capitol Preservation and Restoration Commission will vote on whether to recommend the removal or relocation of a statue of a colonial-era war figure from the Capitol building in Hartford.
The Connecticut State Capitol Preservation and Restoration Commission heard from the public on Nov. 18 on whether to take down the statue of John Mason from the Capitol building in Hartford.
How did the pandemic change crime and punishment for Connecticut youth?
In the final installment of The Accountability Project's series Juveniles, Joyrides & Justice, we examine proposed solutions to car thefts and police pursuits.