Eliza Barclay
Obesity and diabetes rates have soared among Native Americans as sugary, high-carb foods have replaced traditional foods. A study found that 10 wild plants from the Great Plains are highly nutritious.
Many people who don't have celiac disease say they feel better on a gluten-free diet. But scientists say some gut troubles may come from eating fructans and other FODMAP carbs rather than gluten.
A small but growing number of people are discovering the joys of raising ducks. They say the nutritional and agricultural benefits of producing eggs outweigh the cost of feeding the birds.
Several factors are straining lime production in Mexico, from heavy rains to a disease infecting trees. But criminal gangs are adding to the high prices by stealing from orchards and hijacking trucks.
A government scientist says that to help keep more bees from dying we need to focus on helping beekeepers fight the varroa mite. But some groups say pesticides are just as problematic.
The Green Mountain State is poised to become the first to require GMO labeling. But a federal lawmaker recently introduced a bill that would outlaw state rules like Vermont's.
Inspired by toast's ascendance as a trendy snack du jour, we push "artisanal" toast in new directions. Using a blowtorch, coffee maker and dryer, we prove you can toast it yourself without a toaster.
We hard-boiled them. We donned blindfolds. And we chowed down. In our eggsperiment, can you guess which bird prevailed in the ultimate showdown of duck vs. chicken?
Is banning sugar from your home to chronicle the effects on your family a gimmick veiled in a health halo? Actually, there's a lot to learn from a memoir of obsessive label-reading and weird baking.
Back in 2012, The Salt surveyed readers on their favorite pies during our Pie Week series. Recently, an Australian reader tells us she pie-charted our results with mouth-watering real pie.