Faith Middleton
Host, Faith Middleton's Food Schmooze®For more than 25 years, the two-time Peabody Award-winning Faith Middleton Show has been widely recognized for fostering insightful, thought-provoking conversation. Faith Middleton offers her listeners some of the world's most fascinating people and subjects. The show has been inducted into the Connecticut Magazine Hall of Fame as "Best Local Talk Show".
It's a thrilling chilled cocktail, the New York Sour, all velvety in the mouth… try a fast and dreamy pasta of fresh tomatoes, garlic, parmesan, and…
For some time, I've been interested in the thoughtful and caring work of psychologist Dr. Anthony Puliafico, who sees clients in Westchester, New York,…
Our healthy frozen piña colada is a terrific taste treat thanks to contributor Anthony DeSerio… dirty steak from contributor Alex Province is a "how-to"…
Sitting around the studio recently, we recalled how much more freedom we had than today's children do. In fact, Chris Prosperi, Alex Province, and I…
I'll take it as a given that you like food. But no matter what your style of eating and cooking is, I'm betting the complexity of the American food system…
The sexy, Mexican paloma cocktail pairs tequila and grapefruit juice… we have a shortbread style, gluten-free pie crust… the Bastianiches have an Italian,…
My motto on The Book Show is: Life is short, but it can be ever so wide.Join me and my book buddies for a call-in show recommending terrific books to read…
It's a salad celebration… The BLT... the super fast and easy buffalo chicken… crab Louis… Moroccan chicken with pan-fried, pistachio-crusted goat cheese……
I've just had a crash course on how to get rid of stuff because I'm in the middle of moving to, wow, three separate locations in Connecticut, New York…
In Connecticut and across the nation, students of all ages can now enroll in college courses online for free, and receive credit for them in many places.…