Faith Middleton
Host, Faith Middleton's Food Schmooze®For more than 25 years, the two-time Peabody Award-winning Faith Middleton Show has been widely recognized for fostering insightful, thought-provoking conversation. Faith Middleton offers her listeners some of the world's most fascinating people and subjects. The show has been inducted into the Connecticut Magazine Hall of Fame as "Best Local Talk Show".
That's what we learned from neuroscientist Dr. Seth Horowitz of Brown University; true silence is non-existent. "In truly quiet areas," he writes in his…
I'll take it as a given that you like food. But no matter what your style of eating and cooking is, I'm betting the complexity of the American food system…
Learn to cook the easy way, and start with a fabulous fish on the grill, trout, dressed at the fish market without bones… thanks to design store owner…
Rich Hanley and I love to meet regularly so that we can let you know about interesting ideas and inventions we've been researching. Here's a list of some…
Join us for dance music and innovative cocktails you can easily make at home. It's also an invitation. We want to party with you.Join the conversation on…
Sitting around the studio recently, we recalled how much more freedom we had than today's children do. In fact, Chris Prosperi, Alex Province, and I…
Since we are the narrators of our lives, we control our perspective in the stories we tell to make sense of the world. Psychology professor Timothy Wilson…
Learn how to cook real Tex-Mex on the grill, and The Meat Lover's Meatless Cookbook. We have you covered if you're looking for great recipes.Join the…
My motto on The Book Show is: Life is short, but it can be ever so wide.Join me and my book buddies for a call-in show recommending terrific books to read…
On the menu… it's easy to make Campari popsicles for your next party… or try our breakfast martini… the featured cookbook, Genius Recipes features cooked…