Faith Middleton
Host, Faith Middleton's Food Schmooze®For more than 25 years, the two-time Peabody Award-winning Faith Middleton Show has been widely recognized for fostering insightful, thought-provoking conversation. Faith Middleton offers her listeners some of the world's most fascinating people and subjects. The show has been inducted into the Connecticut Magazine Hall of Fame as "Best Local Talk Show".
In Connecticut and across the nation, students of all ages can now enroll in college courses online for free, and receive credit for them in many places.…
On the Food Schmooze® menu this time… Faith's new Frozen Dark & Stormy Cocktail, along with Anthony DeSerio'sGinger Beer Piña Colada… our new go-to…
On this fresh edition of The Faith Middleton Show, Amy Farley of Travel + Leisure magazine and all her best summer travel tips. She'll reveal which…
I've just had a crash course on how to get rid of stuff because I'm in the middle of moving to, wow, three separate locations in Connecticut, New York…
Listen to our show featuring ideas and inventions. We invite you to tell us what you've invented or would like to see invented, and to share your ideas on…
It turns out hospital patients get woken up all night long for tests so doctors can have them in the morning at their convenience. A recent experiment at…
The book by a contributor to The New Yorker magazine, The Big Fat Surprise, is rocking the nutrition/health world.After nine years spent analyzing…
On the Food Schmooze® menu... our resident bartender Anthony DeSerio whips up a great tequila cocktail with fresh beet juice... learn how to make a fresh…
This hour I talk with Dr. Reza Yavari, a metabolic doctor and endocrinologist with offices in Madison and Trumbull, Conn. Yavari, affiliated with Yale…
Barking, fleas, Lyme disease, pet food, biting, housebreaking, shyness, pet insurance, animal rescue. Top flight advice from vet Dr. Todd Friedland. Don't…