Jenna Carlesso / CT Mirror
Medical providers and advocates in Connecticut are trying to raise awareness about long COVID as public health mandates are rolled back and people resume pre-pandemic activities.
Anti-abortion advocates, emboldened by the recent reversal of Roe v. Wade, are setting their sights on what they say is a first step in placing restrictions on Connecticut’s abortion rights: requiring minors to notify their parents when seeking an abortion.
Despite calls from the state’s attorney general and health care advocates to hold a more formal hearing on a proposal to substantially increase rates on 2023 health plans, Connecticut’s insurance department will proceed with its usual informational hearing, albeit in a new location.
Insurance companies that sell policies on and off Connecticut’s Affordable Care Act exchange are seeking an average increase of 20.4% on individual health plans next year, alarming advocates who fear people will forgo insurance because they can’t pay.
During the first week that COVID-19 vaccines were available to children younger than five, 2,811 kids in that age group received their first dose in Connecticut, state data show.The data cover vaccinations from June 21 through June 29.
A man in his 40s has contracted Connecticut’s first recorded case of monkeypox, state health officials said Tuesday.
In Connecticut, providers say 5% to 30% of cases here lead to long COVID. A CDC analysis of Census data show 29.3% — nearly a third — of adult COVID survivors in Connecticut have experienced lingering symptoms.
Connecticut health officials are poised to roll out the COVID-19 vaccine to the last remaining age group that has been unable to get it: children ages 6 months to 4 years old.
With fewer COVID tests being reported to the state, wastewater analysis is proving a reliable barometer.
The state is taking another step toward launching a certification program for doulas, a process that would allow those workers to seek Medicaid reimbursement for their services and reach more people.