Keith M. Phaneuf and Mark Pazniokas / CT Mirror
The state House voted overwhelmingly for a bill that would provide a supplemental $40 million appropriation for special education that the governor says would run counter to the state’s spending cap.
Gov. Ned Lamont and legislative leaders negotiated 11th-hour compromises that produced unanimous passage Thursday of a bill extending budget reforms that have contributed to Connecticut’s fiscal turnaround.
As Eversource asked for a big rate increase, Gov. Lamont underscored the need for more assistance to consumers.
Gov. Ned Lamont and Bob Stefanowski say they will welcome war refugees but offer few details on boosting the safety net.
Whether Connecticut is ‘strong and getting stronger’ will be hashed out over the coming months.
Connecticut’s largest health care workers’ union reached a tentative agreement this week, ending its two-month-long strike against a major provider of residential and other services for the developmentally disabled.
Gov. Ned Lamont signaled Monday that he will not be drawn into political intrigue over the selection of a successor to Comptroller Kevin P. Lembo, who announced Friday he was resigning at month’s end due to poor health.