Kelsey Hubbard Rollinson
Con la llegada de una nueva política de la administración Trump, que permite a los oficiales de inmigración entrar a tribunales, escuelas e iglesias para detener a residentes indocumentados, varios distritos escolares de Connecticut han publicado directrices sobre qué hacer en caso de que agentes de inmigración se presenten en las escuelas.
Even with the guidelines in place at many schools across the state, immigrant advocates worry that by stoking fear in immigrant communities, children will be kept from going to school.
The film, “King In the Wilderness” has never before seen footage of King. Ellis attributes that to the fact that back in the 1960s, a lot of news footage was done on film, but all of the film wasn’t developed if the newsrooms didn't think they were going to use it.
Desde hace casi un siglo, la idea de crear un espacio similar al Parque Central en el centro de Stamford ha formado parte del plan de la ciudad.
At the start of the project, Mill Pond was a stagnant, trash-filled pool of water in the heart of Stamford.
The Freedom from Intimidation in Elections Act is designed to protect voters and election workers at the polls so that they cast their ballot and conduct official duties free from fear and intimidation.
Scarlett Lewis hopes her message can reach adults, after the recent U.S. Surgeon General’s report declaring parental stress a public health issue.
Parade organizers say they are pulling out all the stops in honor of the 60th anniversary of Sunday's parade.
Like so many theaters in the country around the United States, the Westport Country Playhouse suffered during the COVID-19 pandemic when it had to shut its doors.
The Ride New Haven program is a partnership between the city’s Parking Authority and Drop Mobility, the company that designed the app that allows users to pay for and unlock the bikes. The program will be operated and maintained by The Devil’s Gear Bike Shop, which also operated the previous program.