Matthew Long-Middleton
Senior EditorMatthew Long-Middleton has helped shape Connecticut Public's broadcast and digital reporting, producing and writing since the fall of 2022.
Prior to that Long-Middleton worked at KCUR, the NPR member station in Kansas City, for 10 years. There he served as a producer of Central Standard, a daily talk show; a community producer, developing and producing podcasts on history and politics; and most recently a community engagement manager, overseeing community partnerships and collaborations. He also implemented a source diversity tracking system for KCUR. Before KCUR, Long-Middleton produced and marketed public radio programs at Murray Street Productions in New York City and also worked at WBGO, a public radio station in Newark, N.J.
If you can't find him at his desk chances are he might be on his bicycle. He completed a solo U.S. bicycle tour as well as one from Kyoto to Kitakyushu, Japan.
Connecticut state officials now mark Nov. 20 through Dec. 20 as a time to remember and support survivors of homicide and raise awareness.
Una multitud de banderas puertorriqueñas inundó las calles del centro de Hartford el domingo por la tarde para el Desfile Puertorriqueño de Hartford de 2023.
Sunday's parade featured police vehicles, fire trucks, floats, drum lines, dancers, horses and more. The parade was followed by the Festival del Coquí at Bushnell Park.
El festival y el desfile puertorriqueño de Hartford se pospusieron después de que un oficial de policía muriera en un accidente automovilístico mientras estaba en servicio.
The nonprofit that organizes Hartford's Puerto Rican parade said they were postponing the events after Hartford police officer Bobby Garten was killed in a car accident.
Connecticut officials discussed ways to eliminate health care barriers for DACA recipients as advocates say undocumented immigrants face significant hurdles in accessing medical care.
Connecticut is seeing its first Powassan virus cases for 2023. Officials say the cases reflect the rising threat of tick-borne diseases and the importance of tick prevention.
A simple but lyrical crayon drawing of Queen Elizabeth II originally purchased for $100 at an estate sale is expected to fetch at least $10,000 at auction.
Child care providers in Connecticut say a new poll they commissioned shows support for increasing the pay for childcare workers. More than 60% of respondents supported making more people eligible for government subsidized early care and education, even if it means shifting money away from other areas in the Connecticut state budget."