Robyn Doyon-Aitken
Deputy Director of Audio Storytelling and Talk ShowsRobyn is the Deputy Director of Storytelling. Previously, she was the host and senior producer of Seasoned, a radio show and podcast celebrating food and farms. Seasoned won first place in the 2023 Connecticut chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists Excellence in Journalism contest for the story, The Gift of the Buffalo Creek Squash. She’s filled in as a producer for several of our local shows, most notably, Where We Live. In 2021, she was part of the team that received first place in the Interview category from the Public Media Journalists Association for the episode “Who Owns History? Connecticut Woman Sues Harvard For Family Photos.” She produced The Faith Middleton Food Schmooze® from November 2015 until the broadcast ended. Before that, she ate her way through the previous seven years of Fine Cooking magazine while its web producer.
On this episode of Audacious, Jackie Bibby set world records with rattlesnakes, and Tim Friede has been bitten by snakes to try to create a universal antivenom.
New Haven nonprofit leader Erik Clemons offers his thoughts on community, how choosing love can be difficult and the way that Dr. King's legacy has impacted him.
This hour, we’re talking to historians and educators to learn what it's like to teach and study the past in all its complexity in today's polarized political climate.
For the past two years, Chion has asked every Audacious guest one question at the end of their interview: What's your favorite piece of life advice or wisdom?
We return to our wide-ranging conversation with Amy Tan who reflects on birds and mortality and discusses her experience of racism and moving past her fear of sharks.
This hour, Yale law professor James Forman Jr. talks about dismantling mass incarceration at every level, from policing to prisons to courts.
Stressful conversations about politics can creep into holiday celebrations. But there are ways to stay engaged with family members who have different views from our own. Professor Irshad Manji shares her "Five Skills of Moral Courage."
On this episode of Audacious, meet two people who discovered shocking family secrets. They talk about how sharing the truth has set them and their loved ones free.
We discuss how people thought about queerness during the Harlem Renaissance and talk to the curator of a recent exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
On this episode of Audacious, meet people who are living with PMO, or prosopometamorphopsia. That's when their perception of faces are demonic or distorted.