Shannon Van Sant
Russia's Defense Ministry said the submariners were poisoned by fumes from the fire, which broke out on a navy deep water research vessel.
Kranz led the earliest missions to the moon, including Apollo 11 and Apollo 13, and says he wants the room to inspire American students to study science and technology.
Local media are reporting dozens of protesters have been killed. Demonstrators are demanding a quick transition to civilian rule following the ouster of Sudan's president in April.
As executive chef and co-owner of Dooky Chase's restaurant, Chase made the eatery a hub for the African American community of New Orleans and a meeting place for pioneers of the civil rights movement.
It lost control after engine failure and slammed into a tourist boat and dock. The crash adds to growing criticism of cruise ships in the historic Italian city, risking harm to its infrastructure.
Most of the victims were city employees, and many worked as engineers, account clerks or administrative assistants. The suspected gunman was also a longtime municipal employee.
In response to the May 23 tweet, thousands of veterans and their loved ones shared stories of trauma, depression, illness, sexual assault and suicide.
More than 1,000 people participated in the banquet, where 20 couples were married. Taiwan passed legislation this month recognizing same-sex marriages on the island.
Oklahoma's attorney general had filed a lawsuit against the Israel-based company for its alleged role in fueling the opioid crisis.
Trump will meet with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, attend a sumo wrestling match and go to an imperial banquet hosted by Emperor Naruhito.