Terell Wright
Larry Lunden News InternTerell Wright is a Larry Lunden News Intern based in New London. He attends Connecticut College, where he is studying political economy and history. Wright has reported for various outlets including The Day, American City Business Journals and WABE.
The Trump administration’s shakeup of the federal government is sending shockwaves throughout Connecticut, from workers to elected officials to nonprofits.
New London se ha convertido en un refugio para inmigrantes emprendedores. Esta ciudad del sureste de Connecticut afirma que su resurgimiento luego de la pandemia del Covid se debe en gran medida a los inmigrantes que abren negocios y ocupan locales que antes estaban cerrados.
New London has become a haven for entrepreneurial immigrants. The southeastern Connecticut city says its post-Covid comeback is largely driven by immigrants opening businesses and filling once-closed storefronts.
The city’s economic struggles began far before the Covid pandemic, or even the 2008 Recession. Instead, the expansion of the I-95 Gold Star Memorial Bridge and the urban renewal process from the 1950s into the 1970s displaced residents, forever impacting the city’s economy.
Andrea Chapdelaine was selected after a search committee comprised of students, faculty and college board members met throughout the academic year.
According to the National Association of College Employers, hiring is expected to dip by 1.9% this year. College seniors are entering a tighter job market, forcing many to readjust their expectations and expand their preferred work locations.
In 1851, the First Congregational Church erected its Union Street location. Its towering size signified the city’s growing wealth as a whaling capital.
Connecticut’s textile industry, dependent on the labor of enslaved Black people, fueled northern support for the preservation of slavery. However, the Amistad’s arrival began to change sentiments on slavery throughout New London.
Lamont’s urging for additional funding comes amid growing calls for greater allocation to childhood resources statewide. CT Voices for Children’s latest report highlighted the critical need for expansive and robust early care and education.