There's a good chance that President Trump knows that the stain of impeachment will be part of his legacy. And as damning details about the president's behavior trickle out, we're realizing how much we still don't know. This may explain why impeachment may be more popular than we realize.
President Trump told CNN's Jake Tapper in 2016 that he had a "great relationship with God," and that he "doesn't do a lot of things that are bad." Yet, a basic Christian confession is that all of us have fallen short of the glory of God and are in need of God's forgiveness." How do Christians reconcile President Trump's lack of personal morality with their wide support for his presidency?
We also bring you interesting factoids about impeachment and a deep dive into the words that are emerging from the process.
- David A. Graham - Staff writer at The Atlantic
- Jennifer A. Herdt - The Gilbert L. Stark Professor of Christian Ethics at Yale Divinity School
- Peter Sokolowski - A lexicographer and editor-at-large at Merriam-Webster
- Chion Wolf - Producer, photographer, and announcer at Connecticut Public Radio
Email us your questions at
Pardon Me is a production of The Colin McEnroe Show on Connecticut Public Radio.