US In The Time Of Coronavirus
Saturdays 10:00 am
Life is changing dramatically for many people due to the Coronavirus. In this special series, Connecticut Public’s Chion Wolf finds out how the Coronavirus is affecting us individually and collectively; how we struggle with and adapt to living and dying in these tumultuous times. Chion talks with people all over the state: healthcare workers, families, food service industry employees, educators, kids, and vulnerable people to find out how they are working, living, and coping.
Story pitches are encouraged: cwolf@ctpublic.org
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Latest Episodes
This is the ninth and final episode of US in the Time of Coronavirus.We’ve surpassed 100,000 deaths in our country, and more than 3,826 deaths here in…
May 20th was the long-awaited date in Connecticut when the first phase of reopening began after the Coronavirus caused life as we know it to be put on…
A few weeks ago on this show, you heard how Gaylord Health is using the song “Don’t Stop Believin’” every time they celebrate the release of a Covid-19…
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I’ve been a producer here at Connecticut Public since 2007, and since then, our team that’s reported on some really difficult times. And now? We’re all…