Where We Live
Mon. | Tue. | Thu. | 9:00 AM & 8:00 PM, also available as a podcast
Where We Live is a place to hear fascinating, informed, in-depth conversations and stories beyond news headlines. We start local, but we take time to explore domestic and international issues and consider how they impact us here at home.
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Where We Live producer Tess Terrible sat down with Catherine Shen to learn more about her background and what she’s most excited about in her new role as the show's host.
Latest Episodes
Many couples are changing the way they get married. This hour, we dive into the world of elopement and hear from couples who have decided to tie the knot this way.
Sirena Huang established herself as a world-class violinist at only 11 years old. The Connecticut native joins us this hour to talk about her music and upcoming performance with the Hartford Symphony Orchestra.
This hour on Where We Live, we debut our new theme song and speak with the band behind it. We’ll also hear from members of the indie rock community here in Connecticut.
This hour, we ask: What are tariffs? Why does Trump want them? And how might this impact businesses and consumers in Connecticut?
Melissa Tantaquidgeon Zobel is vice chair of the council of elders and tribal historian for the Mohegan Tribe in Connecticut. This hour, she joins 'Where We Live' to talk about the importance of storytelling.
Harriet Beecher Stowe inspired generations of literary activists, but she left behind a complex legacy. This hour, The Stowe Center joins us to talk about the past and future of literary activism.
President Trump’s recent executive orders targeted transgender rights, impacting schools, the military, and even passports. This hour, we look at what this means and how local leaders are creating safe spaces for members of the transgender community.
Humor can be a powerful tool of protests, political dialogue and even healing. Today, we hear how humor can be used in uncertain times.
The Trump administration announced the U.S. will withdraw from the WHO. This hour, Connecticut Department of Public Health Commissioner Manisha Juthani joins us to talk about how this global move might impact us locally.
This hour, we explore the intersection of curiosity, science and education. New host of Science Friday, Flora Lichtman, and local science educators explain how they encourage people to embrace their inner scientists in the classroom and beyond.