Where We Live
Mon. | Tue. | Thu. | 9:00 AM & 8:00 PM, also available as a podcast
Where We Live is a place to hear fascinating, informed, in-depth conversations and stories beyond news headlines. We start local, but we take time to explore domestic and international issues and consider how they impact us here at home.
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Where We Live producer Tess Terrible sat down with Catherine Shen to learn more about her background and what she’s most excited about in her new role as the show's host.
Latest Episodes
Breaking, also known as breakdancing, made its debut at the Olympics this summer. But the sport has an illustrious history. This hour, we take you from the streets of the Bronx to the global stage.
This hour, three Connecticut poet laureates join us in the studio to discuss what it means to be an ambassador of poetry. They share some of their work and talk about passing poetry on to the next generation.
Fewer than 10% of licensed pilots are women. That’s according to the Women in Aviation Advisory Board. Connecticut resident and pilot Saba Shahid joins Where We Live to talk about her journey of flight.
The brain and how it works is the subject of a new exhibit at the Yale Peabody Museum opening later this week. This hour, hear from the curators of the exhibit “Mind/Matter: The Neuroscience of Perception, Attention, and Memory Launched.”
The holidays can come with gathering, celebration, and for some, more work than play. We hear from retail and healthcare workers on the ground this holiday season.
Korean Dramas, or “K-Dramas,” are not just entertaining and cinematically stunning. They also help viewers feel less lonely. This hour, we’re joined by Jeanie Y. Chang, licensed therapist and author of “How K-Dramas Can Transform Your Life.”
Getting better reproductive care might start with examining the past. Historian Deirdre Cooper Owens joins 'Where We Live' to discuss her research on the origins of American gynecology and how it ripples into OB-GYN practices today.
Throughout Connecticut, the prevalence of tenant unions has increased. But not without pushback from landlords. This hour, hear from the Connecticut Tenants Union and learn what you need to know if you’re a renter in our state.
The holidays can be an especially hard time for survivors of domestic violence. This hour, we talk to advocates about how they are preparing to support the growing community of survivors across the state.
Carolyn Kuan has been the music director of the Hartford Symphony Orchestra since 2011. This hour on Where We Live, she joins us for a conversation about her work and how she’s seen the orchestra evolve during her tenure.