Where We Live digs into the trend of "rewilding" or "delawning" with entomologist and author Doug Tallamy. Understand what small steps you can take to bring biodiversity to your yard.
Everyone is interested in growing gardens to support pollinators and butterflies. One of the stars of many pollinator garden is the milkweed. Monarch…
It's been a great strawberry season in our garden, but our June bearing plants are winding down for the season. If you're growing everbearing or day…
This time of year we're still trying to squeeze extra plants into our veggie garden. But instead of just planting more veggies, we like to take this…
Early summer is still rhododendron and azalea time. There are late blooming, evergreen, large leafed varieties and native azalea species still putting on…
Most gardeners have planted their vegetable garden. But while it's tempting to sit back and enjoy your work, the planting shouldn't stop. Interplanting is…
The lilacs have been beautiful this year and the flower show continues with some of the later blooming types such as 'Miss Kim' Korean lilac. Now is the…
As I nurse a sore shoulder, I'm reminder of all the things I should be doing to keep my body in shape for gardening season. It's so easy this time of year…
It's peony season! The herbaceous peonies are blooming and they're a delight with their large white, pink and red, sometimes fragrant, flowers. But there…
Spring is a great time to plant a tree. Shade, fruit and flowering trees not only increase the value of your yard, they are great as wildlife habitat.But…