The David Geffen School of Drama at Yale University presents a play based on the true story of a massacre on the Bojayá community in Colombia.
Even with the guidelines in place at many schools across the state, immigrant advocates worry that by stoking fear in immigrant communities, children will be kept from going to school.
Republican lawmakers aim to reform the state’s Trust Act, to broaden the ability of police in Connecticut to communicate with federal immigration officers.
State officials are preparing to respond to any sweeping actions President-elect Donald Trump makes on day one.
Connecticut has the most Puerto Ricans per capita of any U.S. state. Elected officials and scholars say what happens on the island has ripple effects on migration to the state.
A new bill would allow all CT schools to recognize the Christian holiday.
How 2024 Distinguished Mexican Carlos Hernández Chávez made his mark in Hartford.
Lights returned to households as well as to Puerto Rico's hospitals, water plants and sewage facilities after the massive outage that exposed the persistent electricity problems plaguing the island.
Luis Luna plans to refocus his advocacy work on his radio show and community organizing.
The historical museum welcomes the Spanish-speaking community to learn about the man who introduced the first American English dictionary.